Thursday, March 09, 2006

General Chemistry Online Resources

**Guides to the Internet
**Abstracting and Indexing Services
**Handbooks and Tables of Data
**Style Guides
**History of Chemistry
**Safety Literature
**Problem Manuals, Educational Materials, and Computer Materials

**Guides to the Internet (The Website of the American Chemical Society)
Links to information for various user groups (professionals, ACS members, educators & students, policy makers, enthusiasts are supplemented by categories (molecule of the week, member central, actions & reactions, news & resources, mark your calendar). A 'quick find' pull down menu is available for additional links, as well as a search box for specific items.

Chemistry Index (Freie Universitat Berlin)
An extensive collection of categorized links to chemistry resources on the Internet. Major categories of this site include:
Biochemistry, Safety, Magnetic Resonance (NMR, EPR), Molecular Modeling and Visualization, Chemistry software, Short biographies, Chemist's Address and Phone Books

Chemsoc (The website for the Royal Society of Chemistry)
Links to networks and societies, conferences and events, careers and job centre, learning resources, chembytes infozone, chemsoc timeline, web links, visual elements periodic table.

Comprehensive Chemistry Sites (Stanford University)
Links to a varitey of chemistry sites (e.g. BUBL Link, PSIgate,, etc.)

General Guide for Chemists and Chemical Engineers (Stanford University)
An alphabetical listing by theme (e.g. Awards and Prizes, Biographical Information, Chemical History, Demonstrations, etc.)

Links for Chemists
Links for Chemists (University of Liverpool) is a section of The WWW Virtual Library [], providing an index of chemistry resources. Topics include:
University Chem. Depts., Companies / Industry, Chemicals A-F | G-M | N-S | T-Z, Chemical Literature, Chemical Information, Conferences & Events, Organisations,
Topics, Other Links Sites, About this site.

Martindale's The "virtual" - Chemistry Center
An extensive listing of links to chemistry journals, courses, databases, video/movies, etc.

MolData - General Chemistry
Links to 'miscellaneous' sites, History of Chemistry, Access to the Chemical Literature, Mathematics, Software).

NIST Virtual Library - Chemistry
Links to databases, books, chemistry at NIST, Associations/Institutions/Societies, Material Safety Data Sheets, Periodic and Nuclide Tables, Other Web Resources. An complete alphabetical listing of sites is also provided.

SIRCh (Selected Internet Resources for Chemistry)
An extensive listing of 'factual' internet resources. Indexed and full-text searchable. Categories include Communication in Chemistry, How and Where to Start, How and Where to Search (General and Specialized), and Miscellaneous.

The Sheffield Chemdex
An extensive listing of web resources under the following categories: Chemistry (1481 links), Chemistry communication (1102 links), Companies (946 links), Compounds, Molecules (175 links), Elements (184 links), Government Agencies and Laboratories (105 links), Learned Societies (213 links), Miscellaneous sites (42 links), People (244 links), Portals, link sites, and clubs (86 links), The periodic table (125 links), University Departments (2472 links), WWW software and standards (30 links).

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Library of Chemistry Information
A categorized listing of links to: Chemistry at CFSAN & FDA; General References; Area Events; Databases; Food & Chemistry; Journals & Conferences; Chemistry Web Sites; etc.

**Abstracting and Indexing Services

ACS (American Chemical Society) Journals
Both subscribers and non-subscribers to ACS journals can search the full text of ACS Web Editions and ACS Journal Archives. Bibliographic information and abstracts or first page are freely available, full text display requires a subscription.

RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) Publishing - Journals
Both subscribers and non-subscribers can search RSC Journals and the RSC Journal Archive. Searching is limited to author names, and keywords in the title, abstract or full text. Bibliographic information and abstracts are freely available, full text (except for freely available PDF copies of 1997-2002 articles) requires a subscription.

Abstracting and Indexing Resources for Historical Chemistry Journal
A brief description of the The Royal Society's Catalogue of Scientific Papers which is a comprehensive listing of 19th century science and technology papers, and a listing of 19th century journals that abstracted the chemical literature.

Core Journals Covered in CAplus
This list contains the journal abbreviation, complete journal title, CODEN, and publication frequency for the key/core journals covered in the CAplus file. CASSI is the complete list of journals covered in the CAplus file.

CAS DDS Title Search
A freely searchable database of serials currently received at Chemical Abstracts Service and nonserials published within the past ten years. Only full titles are displayed. Searching defaults to left/right truncation.


Chemistry Hypermedia Project-General Chemistry Cross-Index
An collection of documents relevant to an undergraduate general chemistry course (e.g., Stoichiometry, Acids and Bases, Chemical equilibrium, Standard Reduction Potentials, Electrochemical Cells, Precipitation, Complexation, etc.).

Eric Weisstein's World of Chemistry
Articles on Chemical reactions, Inorganic chemistry, Organic chemistry, Quantum chemistry, etc.


Abkürzungen chemischer Verbindungen / Abbreviations of Chemical Compounds

CAS Standard Abbreviations and Acronyms
Automatically generated abbreviations and acronyms are listed 1) in the alphabetical order of the full terms and 2) in the alphabetical order of abbreviations and acronyms.

Beilstein Dictionary (German-English/English-German)

Indiana University Chemistry Library Acronyms Database

Stereochemical Glossary

**Handbooks and Tables of Data

Aldrich Catalog
Compound listings include physical property data, cross-references to Beilstein, Merck and Fieser, etc., safety(MSDS) and Aldrich spectra information. Search with product name, molecular formula or CAS Registry Number.

ChemiCool Periodic Table
Each element symbol is linked tables of physical properties, appearance/characteristics, electronic configuration, reactions, isotopes, and abundance.

Combined Chemical Dictionary
Freely searchable but results display requires subscription. The online version of the: Dictionary of Organic Compounds,
.. Natural Products, .. Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds, .. Drugs, and ... Analytical Reagents.
Nearly 80,000 chemical compounds, from over 350 public source sites. Displays include 2D Chemical Structures & 3D models, basic physical properties (m.p., b.p., density, refractive index, etc.) and hyperlinks to a wide variety of websites with additional information.

SOLV-DB (Solvents Database)
Physical properties & links to suppliers.

Index to Physical, Chemical and Other Property Data
A listing of links to 'standard' reference sources plus an extensive listing of properties linked to library and internet resources.

Knovel Critical Tables
Tables of physical properties for over 21K commonly-used chemical compounds.

Materials Properties Locator Database
A searchable database of over 400 properties (mechanical, physical, electrical, thermal, etc.) for over 100 particular types of materials (metals, polymers, liquids, organic). Each property and material is linked to a specific print source/s.

NIST Chemistry WebBook
Physical property data for ~70,000 compounnds ... Thermochemical data, IR, Mass & UV/Vis spectra, gas chromatography data, Ionization energy, Electron/Proton affinity, Vibrational Energy, Electronic Energy Level, etc.

ChemIDplus provides access to structure and nomenclature information for the identification of chemical substances cited in NLM databases. The database contains over 368,000 chemical records, of which over 247,000 include displayable chemical structures. ChemIDplus Lite is available for Name and RN searching without the need for plugins or applets. Search/Retrieval in ChemIDplus displays a click through list of Toxnet, EPA and NIST databases with chemical compound information.


ACS Directory of Graduate Research (DGR Web)
A comprehensive resource on faculty and research at U.S. and Canadian universities. DGRweb 2005, is free & includes the 2003, 2001, and 1999 databases.

LabGuide Online
An annually categorized resource for analytical instruments, laboratory products, chemicals, equipment, services and supplies.

**Style Guides

Reference Style Guidelines
Provides examples of reference styles for ACS publications.


Biographical Snapshots of Famous Women and Minority Chemists

Biographies of Famous Chemists

100 Distinguished European Chemists (18th, 19th & 20th Centuries)

**History of Chemistry

Chem Soc Timeline
Key events with an emphasis on chemistry.

Selected Classic Papers from the History of Chemistry
Many seminal papers categorized by subject or by author.

Historical Chemistry - Full Text and Miscellaneous Sites

History of Chemistry
Biographies of Chemists, Biographical Collections, Classic Papers in Chemistry, History of Science Links.

Royal Society of Chemistry - Historical Chemistry Information Service

Virtual Library: Science: Chemistry: History of Chemistry

**Safety Literature

ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety

Chemical & Engineering News Safety Letters (1993+)

Chemical Laboratory Safety (Stanford University)
Library resources and web links to laboratory related chemical safety information.

Chemical Safety -- Web Guide (Stanford University)

LAB SAFETY -Online Safety Course

Material Safety Data Sheets

MSDS Hyper Glossary
Explanations of MSDS words and concepts.

**Problem Manuals, Educational Materials, and Computer Materials

CCIIM (Clearinghouse for Chemical Information Instructional Materials)
A categorized listing of items developed for instruction in the use of chemical information sources. Categories include specific databases as well as search topics. Full text searchable.

Chem Tutor
Chemtutor can be a course of study for independent students, a resource for chemistry teachers, a review, or a tutoring program for students taking high school or basic college chemistry.

Chemical Education -- Web Guide (Stanford University)

Computational Chemistry List (CCL Links)
WWW links for computational chemists (e.g.

General Chemistry Virtual Textbook (Stephen Lower)
A work in progress with text and tutorials on Aquatic solution chemistry (Acids and bases, oxidation-reduction), Atoms (Atomic structure and quantum concepts), Bonding and structure (Chemical bonding), Chemical change (Equilibrium, energetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry), Environmental chemistry (Chemistry of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere), Fundamental concepts (Science/pseudoscience, units, uncertainty in measurements, significant figures), States of matter (Solids, liquids, gases, phase changes, solutions).

JCE (Journal of Chemical Education) Digital Library
A diverse collection of educational digital resources available on the WWW.

National Science Digital Library
A digital library supporting education. A link to science and then to chemistry displays over 50 resources.


Blogger Unknown said...

Clinical journals , medical journals, life science journals, pharma journals, chemistry journals, engineering journals, management journals, manuscript submission.

5:06 AM  
Blogger alfachemistry said...

We also provide analytical services and laboratory services to our customers. 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate

6:14 AM  

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